Hey, I'm Wendy
Wendy's Heavenly Guidence
I am a spiritual medium, angel card reader, reiki practitioner, Belief Coding facilitator and hopefully soon will be a GBTV facilitator too.
My Story
I have always been a very spiritual person. I have been aware of spirit and angels from childhood. I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. I was blessed with the gift of being able to connect with the outside world, and love having the opportunity to connect my clients with their loved ones. My focus is to bring forth awareness and healing through love, and to help others to open up their world to other modalities of healing.
Angel Card Reading - £35
Mediumship Reading £30
Combination Reading £50
Reiki Healing £30
Reiki Healing & Reading £50
Belief Coding Facilitation £120