Our Healing & Spiritual Modalities
Check out the range of Healing and Spiritual Modalities the Union of Light offer.
Going Beyond the Veil
Are you ready to spiritually expand and ascend? Going Beyond the Veil is an incredible healing and spiritual expansion modality to help you to deepen your spiritual connection so you can learn how truly expansive you truly are!
Conscious Connected Breathwork
A holistic modality that releases trauma, dives into deep-rooted limiting beliefs, unblocks fear, and creates harmony and balance to keep you, your most resilient and happy self. This modality has such powerful healing results:
Going Beyond the Galactic Veil
Meet your Galactic family and guides, discover where your soul originates and visit your home planet. Receive healing, activations and initiations and gain clarity on your mission.
Belief Coding®
The Ground breaking modality that will transform your life, one belief at a time. Get to the root cause of what is limiting you and code in new beliefs with Belief Coding®: the only technique you will ever need to build the bridge to all your desires!
Mind Navigation
Get underneath a whole range of discomforts and code in a number of new beliefs all at the same time!
Angelic Healing
A healing practice that channels the presence and assistance of angels, to help heal physical, mental and emotional illness.
Quantum Healing
Quantum Energy Healing, the most beautiful healing meditation. Are you ready to go on a journey?
Unicorn Spirit Healing
A healing practice that channels the presence and assistance of Unicorn Guides, to help heal physical, mental and emotional illness.