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Hey, I'm Dawn

Spiritual Connection Coach and Angelic Healer

I'm here to help and support YOU! I've been on such and incredible journey and now have access to some amazing gifts, and these are available to you too! I'm here to help 'open the hearts’ of others and help people to 'go within' and rediscover their own unique connection. 

My Story

From a young age, I knew I was different. I experienced ‘funny feelings,’ where I'd feel disconnected from myself and the world. I'd have visions of people and places that I didn't recognise or understand. My family thought there was something wrong with me, and naturally I did my best to push these feelings away.


It was shortly after I had my first session of Going Beyond the Veil in March 2023 that these gifts were reactivated. I became ‘connected’ to my spirit guides and angels, and I found that I'd just ‘know’ things. I started to ‘channel’ messages and receive guidance. I was shown that my true path and purpose was to ‘open the hearts’ of others and help them to rediscover their own unique connection. I learned that this is available to everyone and I was shown and given techniques to use and share, to help people ‘connect and go within.’

Life before the Spiritual Awakening 

I was in a place of fear. I didn't enjoy life and I wasn't in a particularly happy place, honestly, I was struggling. 

My youngest son is autistic and none verbal. Every day I felt that I was failing him when I couldn’t find a suitable school place for him. I'd spent most of 2022 fighting for a place in a school for children with special needs. After being unsuccessful, he was left without any provision, and was at home with me, day and night, needing full supervision and staying up through the night. He was becoming frustrated through lack of routine – and it was hard! I felt I was losing myself and my life was massively restricted. I couldn’t have a moment to myself which was suffocating and I felt completely helpless.


I was determined to break the cycle and change life. My journey of healing and self-discovery began in October 2022, where I started to acknowledge what some of my limiting beliefs could be. I started to dive into where they may be coming from so that I could release and heal, and signing up for Belief Coding was the start of what has been a huge transformation! 


Replacing limiting beliefs with positive and powerful ones, changed everything!


In a short space of time, little miracles started to happen! George was given a suitable school place so I actually had time to do the things I enjoyed! My relationship with my husband improved and I was happy. Everything started to fall into place, as if by magic!


It really was as if everything changed, improved, got better! And this is available to everyone. You just have to be open to exploring your limiting beliefs, your ‘false truths.’  You must be clear on what it is you want to create. When you acknowledge, process and release whatever it is that is holding you back, a whole new world of opportunity opens up for you.


Factor in the connection you will have with your ‘spiritual team.’ Their loving guidance keeping you on track and showing you the way, one step at a time. It truly is a gift.


Are you ready for your journey?

Angelic Energy Healing:


A healing practice that channels the presence and assistance of angels, to help heal physical, mental and emotional illness. High vibrational beings, full of pure unconditional love for you. They bring with them a high frequency of energy. As well as the power to heal on the deepest level for your greatest good, angels are 'Divine Messengers.' They deliver messages and guidance to help you further on your journey towards your greatest good and the greatest good of all.


Divine Guidance:


A healing modality that connects you to your Higher Self. The part of you that is connected to all that is! The part of you that knows everything about your past, present and possible future timelines.

You will raise your vibrational frequency and align to this higher energy, enabling you to receive guidance and take inspired action to achieve your desired outcomes.

Re programme your subconscious mind, and overwrite old self limiting programmes. Release trapped emotions, negative beliefs and trauma, and step into your divine power!


I blend Divine Guidance with other healing modalities. These are: Belief Coding®, and healing meditations.


Healing Meditations:


Infused with angelic energy healing and pure unconditional love, my healing meditations were all divinely guided to me. Featuring proven ‘connection techniques’ and ‘light codes’ to heighten your intuition, release fear, and activate the ‘Gateway to your Soul.’


Work with me:


Distance Angelic Energy Healing:                    £60


Zoom / face2face Angelic energy Healing       £88


GBTV                                                               £122


Galactic                                                            £122


Divine Guidance with Belief Coding®              £200 includes mind sync

Block of 3                                                         £555 includes mind sync


Divine Guidance with healing meditation        £189


Healing Meditation Audio files                         £ 44


Mindsync Audio                                              £ 30 


Awaken Your Inner Power Spiritual Connection Coaching Programmes (bespoke and created to meet the specific needs of the client)


3 months / 6 x 1:1 session on zoom                      £1111


6 months / 12 x 1:1 Session on zoom                   £2222


12 months / 24 x 1:1 sessions on zoom                £4222


Free no obligation discovery call to discuss your needs and develop your coaching plan. I will use a blend of modalities that I am trained in, as well as work with spirit to channel  divine guidance  for your greatest good, throughout your programme.

To Book 

Please email Dawn at to book. 


Angelic Energy Healing

A remote Energy Healing session where Dawn will connect to the Angels, her Spirit Team and yours. Dawn will channel Angelic Healing directly to you and then will send across all of the messages that came through for you. 

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